
  1. Maimonides on the sounding of the Shofar through the manuscripts of the Mishneh Torah at the Bodleian Library
  2. Circumcision in Maimonides' Oxford Manuscript
  3. Maimonides on equality and the problem of expensive tastes Conference
  4. Maimonides on the Irrevocability of a Positive Prophecy according to the Oxford Manuscript of the Mishneh Torah
  5. Maimonides on Prophecy according to an Oxford Manuscript: To grant understanding or inspiration?
  6. Duties and Rights of a Minor in the Oxford Manuscript of the Mishneh Torah
  7. Marks of Genius: The status of a borrower in Oxford's Maimonides' Manuscript and the Law of a Borrowed Sukkah
  8. I am that I am: The existential name of G‑d in the Oxford manuscript
  9. Marks of Genius: Wear and Tear in Maimonides’ Cairo Geniza Manuscript
  10. Oxford's Autograph of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah: Does G‑d sleep? (July, 2016)
  11. Maimonides and the Menorah: Insights into an Oxford Manuscript (March, 2016)
  12. Marks of Genius: Maimonides' Laws of Hiring
  13. Marks of Genius: Maimonides' Laws of Borrowing
  14. Maimonides and belief in G‑d: legal or spiritual?  
  15. Maimonides: Spiritualist or Legalist?
  16. The Menorah according Oxford's Maimonides Manuscript (Dec, 2017)
  17. Maimonides' view of the Temple according to an Oxford manuscript: A defence (March, 2014)
  18. Maimonides' View on the Shape of the Branches of the Menorah according to Oxford's rare Manuscript (Dec, 2013)
  19. Table manners in the Oxford Huntington manuscript of Maimonides (Aug, 2013)
  20. Discovering G‑d in the Opening of the Oxford Huntington Manuscript of Maimonides 
  21. Oxford’s Maimonides manuscript disputes the design of the Temple Menorah 
  22. Maimonides in Oxford: A commentary on the Oxford Manuscript of the Mishneh Torah (Sep, 2011)
  23. Does G‑d Sleep? An Oxford Maimonides' analysis (May, 2010)
  24. Ashkenazic & Sephardic Disputes on Passover
  25. The Controversy of Egg Matzot in Oxford's Bodleian Library (March, 2010)
  26. Introduction to Igeret Hashmad - Letter of Apostasy of Maimonides
  27. Introduction to Igeret Taiman of Maimonides
  28. Where's G‑d in a Tsunami Disaster? A Study in Divine Providence according to Maimonides and the Baal Shem Tov