- Maimonides on the sounding of the Shofar through the manuscripts of the Mishneh Torah at the Bodleian Library
- Circumcision in Maimonides' Oxford Manuscript
- Maimonides on equality and the problem of expensive tastes Conference
- Maimonides on the Irrevocability of a Positive Prophecy according to the Oxford Manuscript of the Mishneh Torah
- Maimonides on Prophecy according to an Oxford Manuscript: To grant understanding or inspiration?
- Duties and Rights of a Minor in the Oxford Manuscript of the Mishneh Torah
- Marks of Genius: The status of a borrower in Oxford's Maimonides' Manuscript and the Law of a Borrowed Sukkah
- I am that I am: The existential name of G‑d in the Oxford manuscript
- Marks of Genius: Wear and Tear in Maimonides’ Cairo Geniza Manuscript
- Oxford's Autograph of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah: Does G‑d sleep? (July, 2016)
- Maimonides and the Menorah: Insights into an Oxford Manuscript (March, 2016)
- Marks of Genius: Maimonides' Laws of Hiring
- Marks of Genius: Maimonides' Laws of Borrowing
- Maimonides and belief in G‑d: legal or spiritual?
- Maimonides: Spiritualist or Legalist?
- The Menorah according Oxford's Maimonides Manuscript (Dec, 2017)
- Maimonides' view of the Temple according to an Oxford manuscript: A defence (March, 2014)
- Maimonides' View on the Shape of the Branches of the Menorah according to Oxford's rare Manuscript (Dec, 2013)
- Table manners in the Oxford Huntington manuscript of Maimonides (Aug, 2013)
- Discovering G‑d in the Opening of the Oxford Huntington Manuscript of Maimonides
- Oxford’s Maimonides manuscript disputes the design of the Temple Menorah
- Maimonides in Oxford: A commentary on the Oxford Manuscript of the Mishneh Torah (Sep, 2011)
- Does G‑d Sleep? An Oxford Maimonides' analysis (May, 2010)
- Ashkenazic & Sephardic Disputes on Passover
- The Controversy of Egg Matzot in Oxford's Bodleian Library (March, 2010)
- Introduction to Igeret Hashmad - Letter of Apostasy of Maimonides
- Introduction to Igeret Taiman of Maimonides
- Where's G‑d in a Tsunami Disaster? A Study in Divine Providence according to Maimonides and the Baal Shem Tov