Oxford Passover Shop
At Slager Jewish student centre, 61 George St, Oxford, OX1 2BQ
& Chabad House, 75 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1HR
List of foods:
Matza £2.00
Fine Matza meal £1.85
Medium Matza meal £1.85
Hand baked Shmura Matzah £20 (1lb)
Kneidl Matzah ball mix £2.20
Chrayne £2.25
Osem onion soup mix £2.65
Chicken/beef stock cubes £0.80
Pesach noodles £1
Gefilte fish (frozen) £9.50
Gefilte fish (jar) £4.50
Chocolate/marble cake £2.75
Macaroons £3.75
Grape juice £3.50
Wine £10 - £15
Passover Seder Set & Items: If you would like to order a set of prepared items for the Passover Seder, email: [email protected]
We can deliver your Passover food order to your house, college or any other address within Oxford for £7 - please send your order together with your address to [email protected]
For orders outside Oxford, please contact us.
For more info or to make an order of Kosher for Passover food, email [email protected] or call 07788 437 754