MS. Laud Or. 314 Aleppo Haggadah.png  


At the Oxford University Chabad Society - Slager Jewish Student Centre, 61 George Street, Oxford, OX1 2BQ 

Info: [email protected] 


Images of Manuscripts on display: 


MS. Heb. e. 76 .png1. Passover Haggadah Fragment from the Cairo Genizah

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah)

MS. Heb. e. 76

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1132

Description: Kiddush for Passover and Shabbat.











MS. Heb. e. 76 2.png

2. Passover Haggadah Fragment from the Cairo Genizah

Bought through the Rev. Prof. Sayce, 1896 (from the Genizah)

MS. Heb. e. 76

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1132

Description: Blessing at end of Passover Haggadah with variation.










CCC V'hi Sheomdah.png3. Ashkenazi Siddur - Passover Haggadah

MS. CCC 133

Corpus Christi College Oxford

Date: 12th century

Description: Passover Haggadah – V'hi She'amdah - without statement about rising to destroy the Jewish people in every generation.

To read an essay on this Haggadah text by Rabbi Eli - 'A 12th Century Passover Haggadah from Corpus Christi College: Influences and Commentary' click here. To watch the video of the lecture, click here.










CCC Shefoch.png

4. Ashkenazi Siddur – Passover Haggadah

MS. CCC 133

Corpus Christi College Oxford

Description: Passover Haggadah -  Shefoch – Pour Your Wrath Upon the Nations – eleven verses.

To read an essay on this Haggadah text by Rabbi Eli - 'A 12th Century Passover Haggadah from Corpus Christi College: Influences and Commentary click here. To watch the video of the lecture, click here.











5. Mishneh Torah Pococke 307 Rambam.png

Author: Rabbi Moses ben Maimon - Maimonides (1135-1204)

MS. Pococke 307

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1301 – 1400

Description: Passover Haggadah.










Canonici Or. 1.png6. Würzburg Siddur - Ashkenazi rite (Sidur minhag Ashkenaz ha-maʿaravi le-kol ha-shanah)

MS. Canonici Or. 1

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1303 - 1304

Description: Passover Haggadah Ha Lachma Anya (This is the bread of affliction).









Laud Or. 314 Aleppo1.png7. Passover Haggadah, Aleppo rite (Aram Tsovah)

MS. Laud Or. 314

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Description: Passover Haggadah, Aleppo rite (Aram Tsovah) - with Arabic and illuminations. The order of the Kiddush for Motzoei Shabbat (Sat night) and Passover, known by its acronym Yaknahaz.











Laud Or. 314 Aleppo1.png8. Passover Haggadah, Aleppo rite (Aram Tsovah)

MS. Laud Or. 314

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Description: Passover Haggadah, Aleppo rite (Aram Tsovah) - with Arabic and some illuminations. Kiddush for Shabbat and Passover.












Marshall Or. 59 Haggadah.png9.  Passover Haggadah, German rite 

MS. Marshall Or. 59

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1401 - 1500

Description: Ha lachma Anya (This is the bread of affliction) and Ma Nishtana (Four questions).












Marshall Or. 59 Haggadah1.png10. Passover Haggadah, German rite

MS. Marshall Or. 59

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

1401 – 1500

Description: L’fichach (Therefore..) with blessing over the Hallel (praise) before second cup of wine.












Etz Chaim Hei .jpg11 & 12. Etz Chaim l’Harav R. Ya’akov ben R. Yehudah (Chazzan)

Author: Rabbi Jacob ben Judah Chazzan of London

Leipzig University Library

Date: 13th century

Description: English Compendium of Jewish Law – Text of Haggadah Ha Lachma Anya (This is the bread of affliction) & L'fichach (Therefore...).











Canon. Or. 81 RASHI.png13. RASHI Commentary on the Pentateuch (Exodus) - with censorship

Author: Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (1040-1105)

MS. Canon. Or. 81

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1396

Description: Laws of Pascal offering with censorship of the words indicating prohibition of idolater from eating the Pascal offering.









Opp. Add. fol. 53 Samson.png14. Tosafot on Pesachim

Author: Rabbi Samson ben Abraham, of Sens (1150-1230)

MS. Oppenheim Add. fol. 53

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1501 - 1525

Description: Commentary on first chapter of Babylonian Talmud Tractate Pesachim.










Selden A. 5 SEMAG.png15. Sefer Mitzvot Gadol (Semag)

Author: Rabbi Moses ben Jacob of Coucy (first half of 13th c.)

MS. Arch. Selden A. 5

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date 1301 – 1325

Description: Laws of Passover.










MS. Arch. Selden A. 51 Semak Kitniyot.png16. Sefer Mitzvot Katan (Semak)

Author: Rabbi Isaac of Corbeil (d. 1280)

MS. Arch. Selden A. 51

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1426 - 1475

Description: Origin of Laws of Kitniyot – Ashkenazic custom not to eat legumes on Passover.











Marsh 574a Kitniyot.png17. Sefer Mitzvot Katan (Semak)

Author: Rabbi Isaac of Corbeil (d.1280)

MS. Marsh 574a

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1329

Description: Origin of Laws of Kitniyot – Ashkenazic custom not to eat legumes on Passover.











Selden A. 7 HA-AGUDAH.png18. Sefer ha-Aguddah (compendium of Jewish law according to the order of the Talmud)

Author: Rabbi Alexander Suslin HaKohen, known as Razach (d. 1349)

MS. Arch. Selden A. 7

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1325 – 1375

Description: Laws of Passover.










MS. Reggio 25 Kabbalah .png19. Collection of Kabbalistic works, Commentary on Haggadah   

MS. Reggio 25

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1476 - 1500













Opp. 776 Pirkei.png20. Siddur for the entire year, Ashkenazi rite

MS. Oppenheim 776

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford,

Date: 1471

Description: Ethics of the Fathers (recited on the Shabbat between Passover and Shavuot) with illuminations.