The Oxford Mikvah
We are delighted to announce the completion and opening of the Oxford Slager Family Mikvah, the first in about 800 years, for the Oxford Jewish community.
The Oxford Slager Mikvah is considered one of the most modern and beautiful Mikvaot in the UK, consisting of two state-of-the-art marble bathrooms, a uniquely designed Mikvah, and surrounded by inviting and welcoming landscape.
The Mikvah is situated on the property of 75 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1HR, with its own entrance on Alma Place.
We have designed a special website for the Mikvah with a plethora of material with insights and a practical guide for the Mikvah experience. Please visit:
If you would like to book a private visit, arrange a tour or have any questions, please call the Mikvah on 07788 43 77 54.
Kevan Fehler, Stern Thom Fehler
Paul Ravenhill, Hutchins and Green
Alex Torbet, Hannah Reed
Mikvah designer
Rabbi Gershon Grossbaum
Rabbinical Supervision
The Mikvah is under the authority of the London Beth Din, and Dayan LY Raskin, Kehilas Lubavitch, London
Rabbi Eli Brackman, Chabad of Oxford
Oxford Mikvah Committee
Freidy Brackman, Ros Diamond, Xaviere Hassan, Shirah Katchen, Miriam Muldal, Olga Samuels, Suzy Usiskin.