
Oxford Jewish students represent UK at International Chabad on Campus Shabbaton weekend in New York City

Thursday, 10 November, 2011 - 2:05 pm

The Oxford Chabad Society has organised for eight Jewish students from Oxford and London to represent the UK at the International Chabad on Campus Shabbaton weekend in New York City this week. The students will be amongst close to a thousand Jewish students from over 100 colleges throughout the United States, North America and Europe.


The UK group consists of mostly Oxford students, as well as students from London School of Economics and University College London, including one who is on the UCL Student Union board.


The students will spend Friday night Shabbat dinner with the family of Rabbi Chaim and Chani Miller, author of the Gutnick Torah commentary, and will join a huge gathering of students for a late Friday night social event and lively Farbrengen / Oneg.


The Shabbat afternoon programme will include multiple options of sessions led by leading scholars and thinkers on a variety of topics including the Jewish take on current events. A mega carnival will entertain on Saturday night with live music.


The students will stay in the Crown Heights neighbourhood of Brooklyn, NY, with hospitable families and there will be time for them to tour down-town Manhattan.


A highlight of the programme will be a visit to the late Lubavitcher Rebbe’s OBM resting place in Queens, where thousands customarily flock for a blessing when visiting NY, before retuning back to the UK in time for Monday afternoon classes.


Rabbi Eli Brackman, director of the Oxford Chabad Society, said ‘the Shabbaton is a high energy fun packed and stimulating weekend that helps cultivate and energise Jewish student leadership on hundreds of university campuses.’


To watch a video about this fantastic weekend, visit

Comments on: Oxford Jewish students represent UK at International Chabad on Campus Shabbaton weekend in New York City

Norma wrote...

I am delighted that my grandson Elliot is a member of the Oxford contingent to the International Student Shabbaton.
I hope that he really enjoys it and gains a great deal from it.
I think this is a marvellous venture from Chabad.

Ollie wrote...

I tuhoght finding this would be so arduous but it's a breeze!