
Rabbi Eli's Blog

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Chabad on Campus Expands Operations in Europe

Chabad on Campus Expands Operations in Europe


By Joshua Runyan


Further expanding on the services available to Jewish students worldwide and those studying abroad, the Chabad on Campus International Foundation announced Wednesday that Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries would soon be opening new European campus operations, including Florence in Italy, Berlin and Frankfurt in Germany, and Amsterdam in the Nethlerlands.


The announcement comes one year after Chabad on Campus Europe unveiled its new European push with the opening of a Chabad House in Debrecen, Hungary, and Paris, France, and the expected opening of four other centers throughout the course of the 2011-2012 school year.


“Our vision is a streamline… Read More »

1,000 Jewish students celebrate Shavuot with Chabad on Campus UK despite exam period

Although the Festival of Shavuos fell this year in the heart of the exam period, nearly 1,000 Jewish students participated in events at their university Chabad centres. Events at the 14 centres from Edinburgh to Brighton included a wine and cheese dinner in Cambridge for over a hundred, a dairy garden lunch party in Leeds for eighty, close to a hundred people at a Shavuot barbeque and study in Nottingham, 70 in Oxford, and over a hundred attended Shavuot dinner at Chabad of Bloomsbury, in addition to large numbers at the many other centres across the UK.


As Shavuot is a time for study, commemorating the receiving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, stimulating Torah study sessions were held on a variety of topics for hundreds of student… Read More »

Oxford University Chabad Society inaugurates new annual lecture in Jewish medical ethics

Sevel lecture.JPGThe Oxford University Chabad Society inaugurated this week a new annual lecture, entitled the “Professor David Sevel Memorial Lecture in Jewish Medical Ethics” dedicated in memory of Oxford Jewish leading ophthalmologist, Professor David Sevel, who passed away in 2006.


The annual lecture has been dedicated by the Sevel family of California and was delivered by renowned expert on Jewish medical ethics, Professor Shimon Glick, former dean of the Ben Gurion University Faculty of Health Sciences., and former head of the Lord Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits Center for Jewish Medical Ethics at the institution . He also served for over a decade as Ombudsman for Israel's National Health Service.


The lecture entitle… Read More »

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