
Rabbi Eli's Blog

Current issues, sermons and university news

Why are Jews successful in business?

Oxford University Chabad Society had the honour of hosting Kivi Bernhard for a talk at its Slager Jewish student Centre on Tuesday 31st of January. Mr. Bernhard, a South African who has been based in the US since the 1990s, is known as one of the most sought-after motivational speakers in the world today, as author of the  internationally acclaimed book “Leopardology – The Hunt For Profit In A Tough Global Economy” and as successful entrepreneur in the diamond industry.


Kivi, also known as ‘The Jungle Jew’ in the US media, spoke of his strong attachment to and roots in Orthodox Judaism and the role and responsibilities of Jews in today’s world.


Specifically, he hypothesized that … Read More »

Holocaust Memorial Lecture at the Oxford University Chabad Society

On 29 January, 2012, two days after Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Oxford University Chabad Society hosted an event to commemorate 70 years since the Nazi Wannsee Conference. Three speakers shared their insight and experiences of the European climate during this period of social and political upheaval. Dr. Alexandra Lloyd, a professor of German studies at Oxford University, spoke of the difficulties of Jewish children growing up in a war-torn Germany in the 1940s. She made the poignant remark that for children, watching adults slowly unravel as the difficult climate, having close family members brutally taken from them, took its toll was one of the many tragic consequences of growing up during this period.


Fritz Sternhell, an … Read More »

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