
Rabbi Eli's Blog

Current issues, sermons and university news

The History of the Brachmann Family of Latvia

The history of the Brackman family, known formerly as Brachmann, is a story of Eastern European Jewish history, tragedy and revival. This article aims to offer for the first time a chronological outline of the history of the Brachmann family of Latvia, and a attempted sketch of its past up to the present, which will hopefully serve as the bases for further research and memorial.


The history of the Brackman family that can be traced back to the end of the 18th century with the presence of Jews in Kuldīga, known as Goldingen in German, Latvia. The family seems to have had a substantial presence in the city with many related family members. The end of the Brackman family in Latvia, as with millions of others in Eastern Europe, trag… Read More »

UK and EU Chabad on Campus Rabbis unite for historic Conference in Manchester

This week, twenty Chabad on Campus couples and their families representing 16 centres across the UK and Europe converged in a hotel in Altrincham, South Manchester, for a two day conference to discuss vital issues confronting Jewish students in the UK and Europe today. 


The fifth annual conference was opened by chairman of Chabad on Campus UK and coordinator for Europe, Rabbi Eli Brackman, who is also director of Chabad of Oxford, and Executive Vice President of Chabad on Campus International Foundation, Rabbi Yossy Gordon.


The participants attended specialised workshops covering the full spectrum of their important work on campus, including sessions on Jewish education, student leadership, combating assimilation, ant… Read More »

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