
Rabbi Eli's Blog

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Transcript of lecture by Sir Nicholas Winton at Oxford Chabad Society

Transcript of the lecture by Sir Nicholas Winton at Oxford University Chabad Society


I am not going to talk really about the ‘Kindertransport’. If anybody wants to ask a question, interrupt throughout while I am talking, I am perfectly happy for them to do so.


A hundred years is a very long time indeed. I mean, it was a time when there was no electric iron, no fridge. Mother had to go out into the street in the morning with a jug and wait for the milkman to come and fill it up.


No refrigerator of course. It was all very, very different.


Obviously, no television. Wireless was completely in its infancy and I spent a lot of my time making recoils to get the first communications when the BBC… Read More »

100 year old Sir Nicholas Winton addresses over 300 at Oxford University Chabad Society

IMG_8400.JPG100 year old Sir Nicholas Winton addresses over 300 at Oxford University Chabad Society


Last Tuesday, on the 71st anniversary of Kristalnacht, the Oxford University Chabad Society hosted an historic event honouring 100 year old Sir Nicholas Winton, who rescued six hundred and sixty nine Jewish children on the eve of the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia.


Introducing Sir Nicholas to over 300 students, faculty and community members, Rabbi Eli Brackman, Director of the Oxford University Chabad Society, explained that Sir Nicholas Winton’s role in World War II is a great inspiration to university students today showing how the courageous actions of one person can have an existential impact on the lives of tens of thou… Read More »

Award-Winning Photographer Captures Lubavitch - beginning at Oxford Chabad Society

Award-Winning Photographer Captures Lubavitch - beginning at Oxford Chabad Society

Fri, Nov 06, 2009 - 7:25 am
Posted by Admin

ar5.jpgAs the winner of multiple awards and with a portfolio that boasts politicians, royalty, fashion models and film stars such as Bill Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, HRH the Prince of Edinburgh and Agyness Deyn, Frederic Aranda is regarded as one of the world’s most exciting fashion and portrait photographers.

However, it is the world of Lubavitch rabbis and their families that forms the unlikely subject for Frederic’s first solo-exhibition, entitled Kosherface, which takes place this month in London.

“It all began when I was a student in my final year,” recalls Frederic who had starte… Read More »

Prof. Rabbi Immanuel Schochet “Bible Criticism: Human Composition or Revelation?”

schochet.jpgProf. Rabbi Immanuel Schochet “Bible Criticism: Human Composition or Revelation?”


Prof. Rabbi Immanuel Schochet, author of over thirty books on Jewish philsophy and mysticism, and retired Prof. of Philosophy at University of Toronto, delivered the annual Dr. Baruch Samuel Brackman memorial lecture named after the father of Rabbi Eli Brackman, director of Oxford University Chabad Society.


The lecture was preceded by a tribute to Dr. BS Brackman OBM by his son, Rabbi Eli, who said that his father was an accomplished scientist and inventor while raising a religious Jewish family. He managed to harmonise his scientific way of thinking about the world and reality with leading a religious Jewish way of life wit… Read More »

War Prof. Sir Lawrence Freedman "America's Confrontation with the Middle East"

freedman.jpgVice Principal of Kings College & War Prof. Sir Lawrence Freedman speaks at Oxford University Chabad Society Shabbat Dinner


Oxford University Chabad Society hosted last weekend Vice Principal of Kings College and Prof. of War Studies, Prof. Sir Lawrence Freedman, at a Middle Eastern cuisine Shabbat dinner. Sir Lawrence, who is , who is also on the investigation panel into the Iraq War, attended with his wife, Prof. Judith Freedman, who is one of the first female law professors at Oxford.


Prof. Sir Lawrence Freedman spoke for about thirty minutes about his award winning, in war literature, new book, Choice of Enemies: America’s confrontation with the Middle East. He explained that as he is on the Iraq panel he is… Read More »

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